A couple of days ago, I went shopping in the morning. On my way back, I passed by a flower vendor and wanted to do something nice for her, so I bought a bouquet. The vendor gave me the price and said he would give me five for 100 pesos, so, thinking about supporting him, I bought the five bouquets.

When I got back, I parked the car in front of our apartment and knocked so she could come down and help me with the things. I gave her two of the bouquets because I planned to give the other two to my grandmother, whom I would see later. My partner was happy.

Without much thought, it occurred to me that it would be a good idea to give the remaining bouquet to my neighbor (an elderly lady) as a gesture to brighten her day. While I was going to the neighbor's house, my partner asked me from the balcony what I was doing. I told her I was going to give the bouquet to the neighbor and she asked why. I jokingly replied that they were on sale

My partner got very upset and told me that I had crossed a line, that how could I think of doing that. Now she wants to end the relationship and hasn't spoken to me for a few days. I can't quite understand what I did wrong, if I did anything wrong. Obviously, I have no interest in the lady other than cordiality as neighbors and I never thought my partner would get upset.

Any opinions or advice? Was it wrong? Is it really that serious?

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