Reading some stuff in nofap communitys in here etc. wondering where did the notion come that men have to build the life of perfection to get girls, why is that always the pitch. When somebody ask for girl help online, I always see the same “build discipline, go to gym, focus on getting money, start a business.” But take it from someone who didn’t start getting good with women till 19, the only thing that gets you better with women is talking to more women. Not on some relationship vibe only but just in general. The more comfortable you are around women the easier it is to accomplish any goal you have with them whether it’s friendship, sex or relationship. I think the advice alot of the struggling men get is disingenuous, because all the blanket advice “discipline etc”…I mentioned above leads you to more self isolation, which only will make your girl problems worse. Take it from me the perfect 6 pack, money, business, discipline is for the male gaze. Trust as a guy with that, I only get compliments mainly from dudes IRL lol. So my guys struggling with women literally just don’t be weird, just start talking to more women but use your discernment. Baby steps, don’t know you have a 0 confidence level and try to talk to a 10/10 thats counterproductive. Hope that helps my friend. And if anybody can show me a video or article where tf did all that bs work on yourself, self isolating “dating” advice come from? Because it objectively makes no sense to me.

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