So me and this guy have been dating for a few weeks now and it was going really well until yesterday. I was at his place and we’d just had a nap. I asked if he wouldn’t mind getting me some water and also said I was hungry and asked if he had some toast or cereal or something.

He told me he’d get me some water but he wasn’t going to stand in the kitchen and make me some cereal. When he came back with the water I could tell he was mad so I asked him what was up and he basically went off on one and said that I expect him to do everything for me and how he’s ’not a dog’ and can’t I just wait until I go home later like a ‘normal person would’.

I was quite taken aback by this as up until now we haven’t had any issues at all. I said that I don’t expect him to do everything for me, I’ve been planning dates for us, doing all the driving to see him and take us places as he doesn’t drive and earlier in the day I’d bought us lunch. He then went on to say that 90% of what I think about is food which I found quite rude tbh.

I started getting my things together to leave as I wasn’t happy at all with how he’d spoken to me over such a seemingly minor issue. Before I left, I told him that if he’d had an issue about me asking him for food he could’ve brought it up in a calm and nice way and that he’d spoken to me like crap which was why I was leaving. I was visibly upset at this point. I also apologised if I’d made him feel that he has to do everything for me but that there was no need to speak to me so rudely. His tone of voice was very angry.

He said he wasn’t shouting at me and he said ‘if you think this is speaking to someone like crap…’. Basically dismissing how I feel and how upset I was so I got the hell out of there and haven’t heard from him since.

I’m kind of sad as things were going so well, we had a great connection and I liked him a lot. I want to know if I was in the wrong here and was I too hasty to leave?

TIA and sorry about the length!

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