Hi everyone. For context, I’m 20f and my boyfriend is 23m. We’ve been together for a few months now and things have been good and our sex is really good too. This morning we ended up talking about the topic of threesomes, not about us doing it but just the thing in general. He had a threesome before with his ex gf and he claimed it was her idea and it was the only time he ever had one and never had one again and said it was overrated. My opinion on threesomes is that if you’re dating someone and your partner suggest to have a threesome they don’t really value you or your relationship and seek other people but don’t want to lose you or cheat so they do it this way. I know some people may disagree but it’s just how I view it, I am a jealous person and I don’t like sharing. When you’re single I feel like it’s different. Anyway, my boyfriend disagreed with my opinion and said that he thinks it’s just fulfilling your partner’s fantasy, so if they want that it’s worth a try. He thinks threesomes are just sex and there’s nothing more to it, that the third person is just used for sex and nothing else. For some reason hearing that really bothered me, as he also said that if I wanted a threesome he would do it but he would never suggest it himself as he doesn’t care for them, but if it’s something I want he would do it for me. I don’t know why but I just wish he wouldn’t even be open to that idea, cause to me it’s just like oh so you’re cool with fucking someone else too and you can just casually act like nothing happened. I feel like it ruins the intimacy with someone who’s supposed to be special. I guess I am more old school with my thinking. After that conversation he reassured me that he doesn’t want a threesome, but now I feel like what if he does and suggests it in the future. Any thoughts or advice on how to handle this situation? I really want to not be upset but I definitely am.

Wow, I never thought that this post would
blow up the way it did, but damn it did lol. I appreciate everyone’s feedback. My boyfriend and I spoke about it again and at the end of the day neither of us want a threesome and it was only a thought IF I would be interested, but I won’t obviously so it is what it is. Cool that some of you guys are into it, but i’m not so I don’t know what else to say lol. For those calling me names and saying I’m crazy, here’s some context: I am an overthinker and I’ve had 2 physically and mentally abusive relationships where I got cheated on. I am currently in therapy working on my mental health, so I can be better for myself and my current partner.

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