Hello, want to stress by saying im ok – not in any danger

I am feeling very lonely – I am starting a new job a week today as an IT Technician for a team that engineers parts for racing cars (i love cars / motorsport, so this is quite literally my dream job) and whilst im excited, im also anxious about it too – which is perfectly normal

I have been unemployed for 6 months, which mentally, was extremely tough – especially after working so hard at my last place – to go from one extreme, to the other, was hard

I have posted online about me getting a new job – nothing. My colleagues from my old place have said nothing, members of my own family have said nothing, and it's made me realise that nobody fucking cares about anything but themself.

I understand the whole "they're busy, it's nothing personal!" argument, but im sorry, if you're on your phone and have enough time to watch my story on Instagram, you have enough time to congratulate me on landing my dream job – you aren't busy enough to forget about basic acts of fucking kindness

One such individual was a girl at my old place who i helped write cover letters for as she also wished to leave – i helped her do this and supported her when she felt low and also congratulated her when she got a new job

I accidentally blocked her on social media, i mistook her for someone else who i dislike, and the girl i mistakenly blocked – has blocked me – without allowing me to explain my honest mistake

She has also liked posts on Linkedin of other people securing jobs – this is cool, shes allowed to do this, but when i saw her last she told me "i am the 2nd most important guy in her life after the guy she is dating" – im too young to be dating her, otherwise i probably would be

Combine the lack of support not just from her, but in general, her blocking me without allowing me to explain myself, the anxiety about starting a new job, and me supporting her through hers – and im feeling extremely vulnerable, confused, and lost.

I just want someone to give a fuck and mean it – it hurts.

TLDR – Fucking tired of how people have treated me, but especially friend (27F) over the last year

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