My boyfriend (25M) used to babysit family's friends girl (16F) for many many years and now she's grown up. First time I met this family and this girl, he kissed her on forehead and held her hand when they talked at the table. It was really weird and I told him that. And he agreed it's weird but he didn't have any intentions behind it.

A year later we met them again and she jumped like a monkey on him and just stayed like that! I got so upset. Boyfriend was shocked and didn't know what to do. We both didn't know… he texted her the next day to say basically don’t do it, she didn’t apologize but was like why you telling me this now not right away (because it was a large gathering with bunch of her friends and it would make it very awkward)

Am I overthinking this?
What do I do?

TL;DR a teenage girl acting weird around my boyfriend or I’m overthinking it

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