We’ve crossed the line so many times on both sides,

it feels like it’d be unnatural to ever be “close” and “in love” with each other again.

we do cohabitate… we do have amazing sex every few weeks when things feel “right”… I do find her very attractive still… so yes, there are still good times..

but the bulk of our moments together have been very tough, argumentative, and bad for our healths… we haven’t worn our wedding rings in years.. it’s been this way for the last 4 years of our 6 year marriage.

Divorce is an option..

but I’m uncomfortable with the thought of my 3 girls potentially being raised by another man, and i’m not ready to see them grow up “half” the time..

For the men who were in my shoes at some point and are thriving now, what did you end up doing?

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