I used to work in a Call Centre, and I hate to admit it but I loved it. I had to leave, because my rental property went up by double (yes, it was scary). I could not live in that area anymore, so I moved to an area where my rent was the same as It had been before.

There's a few Call Centre jobs that pop up time to time, but I admit it's scary. Getting that job at 30 was the most stressful experience I had endured and had to wait weeks in torment hoping they didn't find a reason not to employ me because I disclosed my autism.

But my biggest concern is, I have no social skills. Nobody likes to admit it, but I'm also vulnerable but I put on a personality and pretend I'm not. I hate confrontation and negativity because I know how hard it is to gain reputation, but so easy to lose it. I don't want the social interaction, but I know it cannot be avoided because it's part of culture and work. So when people talk to me, I often appear uninterested and dismissive and I am because I do not know the purpose of the communication, how to respond to it and often I don't really care. Sometimes though, it will catch attention when gaming and books are discussed however.

The final thing is, I feel alienated from the rest of my peers. I know I'm different and I think and look different. I know there's a bunch of laws for discrimination and abuse exist, but because of how human beings are they find ways around it. An example being, I made a joke at work to a colleague and she got offended and It only clicked onto me why it was offensive after a long hard think about it. That resulted in gossip, and led to group think and then I am wondering just who in the building will treat me different including my employer.

I think if you don't attain yourself on the economic hierarchy high enough, you become bait and will have their mistakes used as an excuse for dismissal. Whereas if you're seen as favourable or liked, I often found mistakes could be hidden or ignored. I have witnessed these myself as I was often liked by management and I did not get formal warnings as I should. But at the same time, I knew some people didn't like me for no reason. I would ask my 2nd Team Leader questions and she'd look at me with a snotty look and tell me she's on a break.. while casually talking about her boyfriend to one of the other Call Centre Staff.

So yeah, don't want all the Social Life thing I wouldn't know how to adapt or cope with it. It just wouldn't interest me. I just often wonder, what should I do to improve my social skills because people have a habit with me of getting offended or just not talking to me.

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