Not here to bash on anyone who is on dating apps but I feel like dating apps are emotionally draining. For the most part I feel that the connection isn’t there when messaging on an app and I prefer meeting and talking with someone in person instead of behind a screen, I’ve tried multiple dating apps and I’ve met 2 people but we just didn’t click. Not only that but also paying a subscription which costs more then at least 2 streaming apps is absurd especially when its to have a conversation with someone and the people you sometimes match up with don’t even put in any effort to have a conversation while messaging and I just say “why are you on these apps if you aren’t even putting any effort in to having a conversation?” I’ve since then deleted dating apps since I don’t find the enjoyment on them but I know I’ve heard of success stories for people who have used dating apps.

Has anyone on here going through something similar like this or what is your success story from being on dating apps? Curious to know!

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