It doesn’t matter the length of the conversation, what is said, who the person is. I get extremely angry and it ruins my day, not to be dramatic but I don’t understand why anyone would talk to someone they don’t know about something that doesn’t matter. I have and would never do that and it seems unfair that every time I step outside some moron has something to say to me. I don’t even make eye contact with people anymore because I feel it invites conversation, but it still happens.
Seriously considering buying a pair of obnoxious headphones but does anyone have any advice before I resort to total isolation? How do I stop hating people and letting small talk ruin my day, or how else do I make myself less approachable? If anyone’s that type of person to just talk to people, why do you do it? Especially to a girl who looks extremely angry and anxious and wants to be left alone like me lol.
Thanks 🙂

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