We have been together for 3 years; and moved In together 6 months ago. For the first 2 and a half years it was a great loving relationship, we both understood each others needs and wants. But things changed since we moved in together.

We both work your box standard 9-5 monday-friday jobs, so have the same time off. Since moving in together she expects me to spend pretty much all my free time with her. She's not letting my spend time with friends or family unless she is their as well or take part in my hobbies.

I'm a big table tennis player. Play matches once a week and usually practise on a couple of others. Sometimes did weekend tournaments across the country as well. Now she won't let me play than one night a week, she said she is uncomfortable with me going away for a weekend to play and leaving her alone (I offer her to come along but she's not interested in the sport, despite knowing how into table tennis I am and me telling her at the start I play a lot in my free time she seems to not care and want me to shut it down.

For me spending 4 evenings or full weekend days with her a week is plenty ( if your one of those wierd redditors who thinks anything less than like 6 days a week isnt enough please don't bother commenting ), of course I love spending time with her and going on dates as well, but I also like time to myself. Like I also game sometimes and sometimes like an evening to myself to play, but apparently this is selfish of me so she gets mad everytime I try. I also am a family man and am super close with my family, but she will get mad if I try spend any time with them without her. I'm so sick of this, everything was so good before, now I feel so suffocated and trapped. What do I Do?

Tl;DR ever since I moved in with my girlfriend 6 months ago she has become extremely clingy. She has almost completely stopped my playing my favourite sport, getting anytime to myself or seeing my family or friends. I feel so trapped, what so I do?

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