As an island dweller myself,I’ve been to a lot of islands in Europe (and outside Europe too).

How about you? Do you have a favourite island in Europe? Why did you like it?

  1. There are a lot of islands that I really like in Europe..from north to south,east to west and very large to tiny.

    The one that impressed me the most was probably Iceland.That is really different from my island,stunning scenery and the feeling of being in another kind of world.

  2. This is a difficult question to answer with so many great options. I’m currently on holiday in Lanzarote and you can’t fault the weather. I love Malta for it’s history. Iceland is such a unique place though. And then you’ve got the wonderful Scottish islands. Ugh, I couldn’t decide on a favourite!

  3. Only been to Malta 3 weeks ago and it was the most bizarre, but awesome experience ever. You seriously don’t expect so many different facets from a tiny little rock in the Mediterranean, but there’s a surprise around every corner. Will definitely go there again and can only recommend it!

  4. Majorca.

    Palma is a beautiful city, amazing beaches, amazing mountains, amazing weather. Love it.

    Crete and Sardinia also get special mentions.

  5. Well I went to the Canary Islands last year (Fuerteventura specifically). I liked it, the population wasn’t that big and therefore weren’t many things to do but the island was pretty and cool, something I had never seen before since I’ve only been to Northern Europe and Turkey. Besides that I haven’t visited many islands, maybe some small ones in Finland

  6. Madeira (really cool geography and great weather) and Iceland (even cooler geography but less good weather…)

  7. Of the ones I’ve visited I’d say Gotland. Visby alone makes it worth it, but the island is gorgeous and worth exploring. Perfect if you love history.

  8. Kefalonia/Cephalonia in Western Greece. I haven’t been to that many islands, though. But that would be my dreamplace to live.

  9. Never visited any, except the dutch islands in Waddenzee. And Great Brittain. I believe I feel something special for both the British and French islands. I would love to visit Jersey and Isle of Man sooner or later. And maybe Açores at a certain point.

  10. I’m torn between choosing Orkney and Sicily. Both very different but very beautiful with lots to see.

  11. Zealand Denmark. I like it mostly because I like Copenhagen which is situated on the Island.

    Apart from that I’d choose Crete because there I like the Island itself instead of just the metropolitan area on it.

  12. Skellig Michael, sure it doesn’t have the fine weather and beaches like a Mediterranean island but the bleakness of it being so remote, the craggy rocks, ruins and cliffs just made it seem like it was timeless.

    Mont Saint Michel also as one of those places which is a great spot to visit as a tourist.

  13. I haven’t been on many islands, but of the ones I did visit, I fell in love with Crete. Chania is beautiful, Knossos is amazing, the beaches are great, the food is to die for, the mountains and the mountain villages are lovely, and I had one of the best experiences in my life in the Samariá Gorge. Also, there is sunshine 360 days/year, and there are so many cats everywhere.

    So, food, sun, nature, history, and cats. That’s my happy place right there.

  14. The Azores. Its in the middle of the Atlantic and had spectacular scenery. it’s so beautifully green, and there are huge waterfalls all over the islands. I stayed on Flores, and instead of bushes surrounding the perimeter of fields, there were miles and miles of hydrangeas. Amazing hikes too.

  15. I spent a few days on Texel when I was an exchange student in the Netherlands. Part of why I liked it so much was solitude after living with ten other people for months but I loved the sea and dunes and sheep. I got the impression that there would be a lot of tourists in the summer but I went in early May and it was pretty peaceful.

    I’m hoping to go to Outer Hebrides in the future, they seem to have even more of the things I liked in Texel. It looks so beautiful.

    My favorite island in Finland is Suomenlinna, an old fortress island in Helsinki.

  16. I love the UK because the draw is not the beaches but the million and one things to do and see away from the coast. Activites on other European islands concentrate more on the coast and as far as beaches go, I prefer tropical to European so UK wins hands down for me.

  17. I loved the Aran islands on wild .Also Yeu in western France ,you feel in Mediterranean but with the ocean around,warmer climate.
    Noirmoutiers is close and ,even if it s almost peninsula it s very cosy and downsized compare to continent.
    There is also this Greek island Chios on the turkish coast, where people are welcoming wherever you are from with amazing gum tree nowhere else found.

  18. I have only been to Greek ones (unless you count Venice), but of them my favorite is Corfu.

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