Shall get rid of him or there is hope? My 35f boyfriend 45M of 5 months lives with his mom 76f, his dad 84m and his sister 44f and her kids. He is completely involved there. He takes care of them the way i would live would take care of me. I truly like him but oh boy! Every time we need we are on time limit because he needs to pick up his mom from work/event etc. he doesn’t have his own car. Every time she needs him – and of course she does a lot. He surely moves me aside by being late or not showing up at all. He does not want kids. He seems to only be interested in taking care of his mom. Yea he says he wants family but how??? He is her personal uber driver 24/7. The sister is not nearly involved in her parents life as him. I love him. Or the idea that he could one day treat me the same way. I must mention he is also cheap. And i am a single mom. He does not pay for our groceries and then cook it for us. He never pays for gas when we use my car. He only took me out 3 time to a restaurant within 5 months. Never a present or something. However for his mom he pays their bills and phones and groceries and even his moms car insurance. I want a family. Do you think there is anything i can win this battle?

TL; DR; : my35f bf 45m lives with parents and is completely involved there. Always prioritizes them over me. How to turn him to me?

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