It seems 99% of the posts and comments on here are regarding failures with dating and women.. is that all that matters to you guys?! You can live without women and love but you CANNOT live without money. I am 24, Gigachad-esque look (I’ve been on TRT since 18 so my primary sexual characteristics have been hyper-masculinized) and always get attention from women and “How/why are you single??” because I am BROKE as a joke and am focused on finding a way to make a respectable income. It’s so bewildering to me how little many of you all care about money, which is significantly harder to come by than women

TLDR: Money should be what men are chasing after, not women. You can attract women with money, you cannot attract money with women.

Edit: From my analyzation of where the upvotes and downvotes are going within this post I’ve come to the conclusion that our generation of so-called “men” are cooked 🤦🏾‍♂️ There are but a few logical thinkers in here

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