I should’ve also asked, cause this might get me some different answers, what if one is married?

  1. I don’t think sex is “crossing the line”. Maybe murder? That seems pretty awful.

  2. Emotional intimacy. It doesn’t have to be physical to be classified as cheating.

    Or sharing a bowl of soup because that’s just weird.

  3. Anything either of them would feel like they have to hide from their partner.

  4. Sounds like you have a relationship specific question. If you think your partner is crossing the line, they’re probably crossing the line.

  5. Being the first call for anything other than work.

    If anything important happens in your life, good or bad, your spouse should be your first call.

  6. Complaining about your sex life with your current partner to your coworker.

  7. Each coworker is responsible for their own relationships and ensuring that their friendships outside of their partner are appropriate in relation to the agreed upon limits and boundaries they have with their partner. Personally, I’m not a jealous person. I really don’t care if my husband has female friends, goes for lunch with them, hangs out alone with them, has inside jokes, carpools with them, texts them, comments on their social media… I don’t care, that’s friendship. I want my husband to have friends. That being said I know that all of these things would cross boundaries for other people in their relationships. What crosses my line isn’t going to be the exact same as what crosses your line. It’s between you and your partner to decide together what you are comfortable with as a couple when it comes to opposite gender friendships.

  8. When something feels off, it is off.

    This might be a cultural thing but from where I’m from, you should never touch another woman other than shaking their hands for a few seconds (unless it’s their family or relative). Hugging, holding the woman in the back just above the waist is a major no-no for me. Even if it’s done to me, I would push their hands away.

  9. Those discussions that are sometimes intense, sometimes dreamy and where one needs to take a break for their thought until they race with their speech again, and the discussion ends with both looking deep into each other’s eyes.

  10. Talking to them all the time, cuz Teams, message, at work, and even outside of work. And about anything other than work.

  11. Giving them a teapot for Christmas with a hand-written note inside declaring their undying love for them

  12. I commented on someone else’s post but I wanted you to see it because I felt like a few lines were crossed by a husband’s co worker I the first few months we were dating,

    When I first started dating my husband he had a
    “Work wife” he knew she liked him, but he was never interested. Although I believed he didn’t share the feelings, I had to tell him pretty quickly there’s a number of reasons why he needed to pull back.

    A few examples are:

    she often texted in an out of work about a lot of not related things. At first whatever, they’re friends but it got it be a lot.

    Next they would often go for drinks together after work. Again friends do that… but it was getting to be a lot.

    They often got lunch together and on the days it worked out my husband and I had lunch together she would text him the entire time and ask him to bring her food back. Even when he ignored her.

    One time him and I were together on a Sunday, she called him freaking out because she cut her hand pretty badly and said she needed to go to emerg. He said “sure we’re on our way.” She said “who is we” and when he told her she was with me, she said nevermind she’s going to call her “boyfriend” this is when I finally asked why she was calling him to begin with?! He admitted he knew she had feelings for him be he didn’t think it mattered because he didn’t like her.

    Next he went out with some work people and invited his roommates, I either had plans or didn’t want to go but met up with him that night. The next morning before we had even really opened our eyes, he had a text for her saying “omg did your roommate tell you we slept together?! I’m so embarrassed” I felt like she was very obviously trying to get his attention.

    Next when I finally met this girl almost a year after we started dating, she was quite awkward with me. She then got really drunk and started going on to another coworkers wife that “nothing would ever happen between them because he’s like her brother” as though the wife has asked.

    As soon as I asked my husband to distance himself he did and I was grateful for that.

  13. Sneaking around with one another, solo lunch dates/dinner dates (especially when they don’t tell their S.O.), when you voice concerns and instead of listening to you, your partner deflects, gets angry or dismisses you

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