Sort of a vent post, be warned:

I've always had a deeper voice. Not a crazy deep voice, but comfortably low. It's gotten deeper as I've aged, obviously, and I'm only 18, as of this post.

Both in real life and online, I've always gotten comments, and sometimes compliments, about it. Recently, they've actually let up, becoming fewer by a wide margin, which is a nice change in pace. Though, especially when I was younger–when my voice still had the average "cracky" effect of a developing teen–I got comments on it online, A LOT. My guess is that this was when Corpse Husband was blowing up, and so people, in general, were a LOT more receptive to it. Timing, lol.

In real life, nothing really deviated from my normal interactions, besides the occasional comment here and there. Online, though? I was being accused CONSTANTLY of faking it; "Stop forcing it," "you're not Corpse, bro, you're not him," "stop trying to get girls," "raise your voice when talking to me (yes, actually)." It got to the point where I would get extremely nervous when hopping on a game that requires voice, and I don't think I've ever fully recovered from that, despite my grown ass age, lmao. I've gotten better at ignoring it, definitely, but the anxious feeling still sometimes lingers.

I've also noticed that, besides the comments, people tend to be a bit more…aggressive, if that's not just my paranoia getting to me; it may be, tbh. They tend to just assume certain stuff about me, even before I've really said much of anything. One that always irks me is that, in online social situations, some may assume that I'm trying to "pick up" egirls or something like that, which–first off, ew–is literally never the case. This also made me not want to speak, as I was afraid–and still sometimes am, tbh–people would just assume this about me, and automatically label me a creepy guy.

I get that, in reality, no one gives a shit about how you sound, and I've realized that as I've grown older. I think I'm at a changing point in my life, where I'm finally able to realize that online isn't reality–I know, pretty sad and pathetic it took me so long, but oh well–and I'm able to have more confidence in the way I interact with others.

To anyone here that may be anxious because of their deeper voice: Don't be! Some people may be weird about it–sometimes really weird, to be frank–but they are just odd people in general. No need to pay any mind toward them! Your voice does not define you, YOU define you.

Sorry to make this post even longer, but I also have a weird story I want to share, that actually took place in real life, if you can believe it:

It was my sophomore year of High School, and I was EXTREMELY bored. The rest of the class was too, and I think the teacher noticed this. I can't exactly remember what led up to it, but I remember my history teacher, maybe to try and do something interesting for the class, brought up a video about a guy with an extremely deep voice–the deepest in the world, I think. He kept making comments about it to the whole class, throughout the whole video, saying that the guy was me, and that I sounded exactly like him. Obviously, looking back on it, I know he was just having some fun, and didn't think much about it; but, to me, that was so god damn embarrassing, holy shit. I still cringe sometimes at it to this day.

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