so i have been seeing this girl for a couple of weeks and a week before my birthday. my grandpa passed away which resulted in being away from phone for good 5-6 days. i texted her back explaining what had happened and it was clear she wasnt happy about the fact that i didnt drop her a text. i am aware i screwed up here, whether intentionally or unintentionally. and of course 'i've been hit with 'to be honest with you, i dont know what i want right now cuz there is so much to do and its not easy for me' message. i simply responsed with 'i apologize for not reaching out and for the insecurity i may have caused. im not exactly sure either what the future holds; but i'd still very much like to find out but in case you decide otherwise, i'll respect that choice.' i really do like this girl so im not really sure if i'd be able to change the tide or just have to vent myself here.

Thanks for reading guys

  1. I like the way you handled it afterwards and the words you used. You found yourself in a very difficult and rare situation and sure, you could have dropped her a message. But she should be able to understand why your mind was somewhere else and still give this a chance.

  2. You’ve been seeing her a couple weeks, then you went dark for about a week.
    Yes, your reasons are totally valid, but her feelings are too.
    You may have to chalk this up to learning and move on.
    You did handle your response very well.

  3. My boy. If a woman isn’t understanding that u would be away and not on ur phone for a few days when your grandpa dies, she ain’t the one.

    U didn’t screw up.

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