I’m in my early 20s and I’ve always struggled in the dating area. I DESPISE dating apps because they don’t give someone a fair advantage and I live in a rural college town which is full of immature frat boys. However, I’ve tried dating several times and I have no luck. I’ve been told how attractive I am, that I have a great personality, but no men ever date me or ask me out. I’ve had guys like me then say they “just lost feelings for me” or had someone like me but not want to date me because they’re not ready for a relationship. Other than that, I’ve tried to hard for years to date seriously and I can’t find anyone. Does anyone know why?

  1. I have a similar problem. Guys have no problem volunteering to sleep with me but if it comes to a relationship, it’s crickets. I’m sorry you’re having to figure this out, but better while you’re young. It saves for disappointment later.

  2. No one wants to commit to anyone when they’re 20. They just want to have sex lol

  3. You mention in your post. Immature.

    As a former 20 something year old douche bag… I was always looking for something new, better looking, more adventurous, bigger breasts, smaller breasts, more average size breasts, with more money, less guy friends, less stress, this or that. The reasons were endless. Felt like I had to try all the flavors. At that time in my life I thought those were all valid reasons.

    Never once do I recall ever thinking about the other person though. Like I had this long list of shit I needed and wanted but I was never working on myself. So I continued supreme douchieness for a while. Working only to get my physical needs met.

    Most, especially men, are still learning to communicate and express themselves in college. They’re just getting familiar with the female body…they have no clue how to handle relationships and communication. Even simple conversation.

    College town dating can be tough for those seeking long term commitment. Everyone is going to be somewhere else in four years. Everyone has their own plans on how they’re going to use their degree and where it is going to take them. How often do long term plans match up even in a circle of friends??

    Hang in there. Travel if you have the means.

  4. People lie to make you feel good.

    You are not attractive and/or don’t have a great personality.

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