So this is a weird situation but here it goes. Before having kids, I used to golf somewhat regularly, a couple times a month on average probably. Since we had our first kid, I’ve basically stopped playing. It just takes too much time and it’s too expensive of a hobby, so for about the past four years I’ve shelved that particular hobby. Now however, I have friends and family who want me to start playing again and have started inviting me on a regular basis.

I enjoy golf. It’s not my favorite hobby but it’s cool. I’m more of a social golfer to be honest. Here’s the thing though. All my good friends play. It’s basically the main thing we would do together prior to having kids. Some of those guys had kids at the same time as I did so now they’re at a point where they’re starting to pick it back up. A lot of my family also plays. My dad, grandfather and uncle all play together regularly. So by not playing I miss out on a lot.

I feel very torn about this. On the one hand, I want to hang out with my friends and family. Socially, having kids has been very isolating and it’s definitely affected my mental health. But on the other I already miss a lot of time with my kids and wife because I have a none traditional schedule and golf just takes so much time. Then there’s the financial side of it. I don’t know if dropping $50-$150 every time I go is reasonable just for me to hang out with the guys. I do have other hobbies less time intensive and my wife has been very accommodating of them. Anyone ever been in a similar situation? Any advice?

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