I feel so bad posting about this because people have already told me that I should get therapy and that I should be honest with my parents. I think that's the right advice but I'm scared of what might happen. Years ago I was talking to children on apps and watching porn videos with children. I haven't done it in years, but for some reason all of these memories and guilt came back to me.

My mom was talking with me today and she was smiling and asking me if I was excited about our vacation soon. I told her that I was but deep down I was thinking about my problems. I wanted really badly to tell her everything that was on my mind but I didn't want to be the reason why she stopped smiling.

I think there's a possibility that I explain everything to them and they still love me and cheer me on for therapy but it's going to change things either way. That's what I think. Things won't be the same. I tried to leave all of that on the past and just take it to my grave. Everyday I see my parents I just want to cry and tell them the truth.

  1. >I think there’s a possibility that I explain everything to them and they still love me and cheer me on for therapy but it’s going to change things either way. That’s what I think. Things won’t be the same.

    That’s probably all true. If you need their help to get therapy, then ask for their help. But if you can get therapy on your own without telling them, that would probably be best.

  2. I’m sure if your parents love you, by you being honest to them about your struggles, they will still love you. And if they judge you and find you repulsive, then they don’t love you and may cast you aside. Still, it’s best to know the truth and be an honest person. Because love is built upon a solid ground of truth and honesty. 

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