I (F19) have been dating my girlfriend for just under a month but due things escalated quickly despite telling her I wanted to take things slow. When we got together I was immediately told that she had told her family members and other people I haven’t met. For the following two days I had friends and even people I consider family all telling me how much my girlfriend loved me which made me overwhelmed. I brought it up with my girlfriend and my friends to calm down since it had only been 3 days at that point.

Because of our long distance relationship time zones aren’t in our favour nor is work. Our shifts are very different so it’s difficult to work around it and so communication is hard. It’s only been 3 weeks now and I’ve gotten 2 paragraphs on how I’ve not been talking to her as much as I could. When I get out of work she’s either still working or I fall asleep (My shifts are quite late into the night) during the day she’s asleep too since it’s morning for her.

I’ve only recently started detaching myself from her because of the constant negativity on her end. It’s almost everyday that I wake up something bad has gone wrong and sometimes I feel like a therapist more than a partner. I feel terrible because I don’t know how to bring this all up to her. I’m worried I might upset her and I don’t want to. Any advice on how I should go about this?

(I’m not the best at writing so I apologise if it’s hard to read it’s like 2:24am 😰)

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