Tldr; i (45f) am dating guy (45m) who is inconsistent, but otherwise a great match. scared of going back into dating pool.

I (45f) started dating him (45m) about 3 months ago. Met on a dating app. It has taken me a while to find someone that I feel truly compatible with. When we are together in person, everything is perfect. The connection is just what I want. But when we are apart, that changes. His communication style is just different than mine. We are both busy parents. Only thing is he has his kids full-time, and I have mine every other week. So I have a little bit more time to myself. We end up seeing each other every other week 2 to 3 times. During the time that we are apart, we text a few times a day and maybe a half hour conversation on the phone. The problem that I am having is that he is inconsistent. He will say that he’ll call and then he doesn’t. He has canceled a few times for dates. I find him to be really inconsistent and I have mentioned it to him. He did get better at calling Regularly, but it’s starting to drop off again. I don’t know if this is the new dating era, is everyone is like this? I need more connection when we are apart. And more consistency. I need follow through. I find that that’s really the only issue in the situation as well as we live an hour apart from each other, which is also challenging. If we could just have lunch or something on the weeks that we don’t see each other, that would be nice. But it’s too difficult to coordinate.

I dread going back to the online dating pool. Or I can just go back to being alone and single. But I really do like having a person.

I know everybody is different has different communication styles, but I just don’t know if this is something that I can put up with or is sustainable long-term.

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