Are you happy with how your life is going currently?

  1. Could be worse I have a great support system own place with a new kitten

  2. Not entirely, but it could be a lot worse.

    Somewhat paradoxically, part of being happy is realizing that you aren’t *always* going to be happy.

  3. It’s pretty good. Could be better, but I suppose anyone could say that.

  4. Yup, Very happy with my life. Got my house, Got my girl, Got my friends and i’ve Got my truck, my car and my motorbike.

    Life is good.

    *edit* and some sad fuck downvotes me for being happy LOL!

  5. On the whole, yes. I hate my job with a burning intensity, but it pays enough to allow me to own a house and give my two children an enriching upbringing. They are the most important things I could ever imagine, so disliking my job is a very small price to pay. Sure it would be nice to be happy at work, but I figure I’m happy enough at home to offset that – and while life is too short to work somewhere you hate, being able to spend my free time taking my kids places and seeing how happy they are gives me a lot.

    So yeah – about 90% ish – and that 10% is just background noise.

  6. I’ve worked hard and sacrificed a lot to get to where I’m at. Life is great now

  7. My wife’s dead. I’m Homeless, been Stabbed, lost a lung.

  8. No. I think I hit a dead end. I am at the average job that gets me from month to month. I don’t see myself advancing any further at this place.

    I am 25y old and I need to figure something out and just try and do something, otherwise, I’ll be living paycheck to paycheck my entire life.

    College is too expensive even tho I am 99% sure I could finish it. I started learning German and Spanish just for sake of learning something new.

    We don’t have many opportunities around here.

  9. I don’t think I’ve really been happy for a long long time.
    It is getting somewhat better though

  10. Other than occasional sleep deprivation, I’m enjoying my youth while I still can.

  11. Closing on a house next month. First kid due soon as well.
    Job is going well.

    I’m happy.

    I wish I had more of a social life but I’m happy

  12. From a scale of 0 (Absolute no) to 100 (absolute yes), I would put my happiness around 63, or so. Very subjective, but it was about feelings on the matter.

  13. Yeah

    I’ve got a job I enjoy, great friends, loving partner I’m enamored with, I’m in good health.

    I’m thankful every day

  14. I love my job, have lot of free time to be with my wife and my daughter, and I make good money. I’m pretty happy with my life right now.

  15. Yes, absolutely. I’m married to my best friend, we have a nice house, I have a great job that pays well with a lot of flexibility and we get to travel and see the world.

    It was not always like this.

  16. Decent home. ✔️
    Job that’s not terrible. ✔️
    Healthy family . ✔️
    Good marriage, child-free. ✔️

    I couldn’t be more fortunate.🤙🏾

  17. Yes!

    Got out of a terrible marriage, I didn’t realise how bad it was at the time. She took advantage of me in major ways and I never noticed it until I crashed completely and hit absolutely rock bottom.

    It took me 2 years to get over the divorce and to get my life back on track. A year ago I met my current girlfriend who is the complete opposite person of my ex-wife. We have a great life together. Both our 2 kids are of the same ages, they get along great. I started a new position at my employer and it was probably one of the best decisions I made professional.

    We’re on holiday now and it’s the best one I’ve ever had in my life.

    I was close to say goodbye to everyone and everything several times in the past. If only I had known how wonderful life could become at those times …

  18. Absolutely. I’m seeing huge progress in the gym and focusing on my career.

  19. I’m getting there. 23 is a weird time in life, especially when you don’t quite know what you want to do after school, but it’s coming together.

  20. I’m honestly not sure. My wife passed away over a year ago from cancer at the age of 28.

    I’m 30 years old now and I’m not sure if I will ever have kids or a family. It really bums me out to think about this.

    On the other hand, a few months after she passed I got a higher paying job in IT. Not even a full year into this job and I got promoted to Software engineer and now get paid significantly more than when i started and I get to work remotely whenever I want.

    (Although admittedly, the promotion probably only happened because I had the time to come back home and work on code since I’m now alone)

    TLDR: Idk, wife passed away young, now lonely but advancing my career because of loneliness.

  21. I’m really proud of myself, Hopefully future me is gonna be even more proud!

  22. There are things I’d like to change, but I need to remind myself not to rush my life away.

    Overall I’d say I’m pretty good. Make good money, good job, have free time, etc… the stuff I “want” will come, just need to be patient.

  23. We’re on reddit you think we have lives 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿

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