In your dating life, what’s something you find yourself doing that you know you probably shouldn’t be? How do you navigate that internal conflict?

  1. As a person who’s lived half her life mostly for others, I find that it’s time to focus on myself and pay attention to my needs. I no longer allow anyone to encroach on my time and space and hurt my inner child. People assume just because I’m an extrovert, they can push their opinions onto me and dictate the way I should live my life and who I should or should not spend it with hence distancing and silence is the option I choose. I say this because I often find myself conflicted between what men want from me despite knowing almost everything about me.

  2. I am not dating, but meeting guys casually every now and then.

    I have to keep reminding myself that I can’t fall in Love with them.
    Reason 1 is I have not been single for so long and want to be by myself for a bit. Since I am a horny person, I still want/ need sex every now and then and it should stay ONLY Sex.
    Reason 2 is that I am quite clingy when I’m in love and no guy deserves that lol
    Reason 3 I don’t know the guys so well and often being in love with someone is just liking an Illusion of who you think they are

  3. Not allowing myself to even have a dating life because I am consumed by a fear of rejection.

  4. Not going on dates. I want to get into dating but it’s such a pain to go on dates, especially when you’re using the apps. It like I have no real motivation to meet any of these men because idek them and they’re just a face on a screen. I’m also obsessed with being single and after five years of it, it’s so hard to come to terms that I will need to share my time and space with a man again if I want to actually find someone. I do want to date and eventually get into a relationship but it’s definitely a challenge at times forcing myself to take the time to date

  5. Not dating anymore in a relationship now. When I was dating though sleeping with people on the first date was a mistake. I knew it was too. I know for some people it’s fine but for me it makes me lose interest in the person literally the second we finish. I would pretty much instantly cut communication as soon as I would leave. Every time I got into a “relationship” with someone they had to wait at least for a second maybe third date. My current boyfriend waited the longest. That was intentional and I’m really glad I waited. I was in a bad place mentally and wasn’t looking to date but I also liked something about him pretty as soon as we started talking. I think I made him wait like a week before even meeting in person. That also was good and something I never did before. We would talk on the phone for hours every night and text frequently. Our first date we talked for 4 hrs kissed and that was it. He didn’t ask for expect sex and I really liked that. We’ve been together everyday since that first date. Even if it was just him stopping by my job to bring me a drink and give me a kiss. 🥰

  6. Fear of being myself and walking on egg shells. She’s always too sweet and I am afraid to make her upset

  7. Sexting the bi unicorn hunters because they usually are more attractive and physically fit than many of the lesbians on the apps.

    I guess I’d rather be a side option to a beautiful person than date a person who isn’t my type. But I’m not giving in until I find an attractive lesbian that I have chemistry with….

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