So once i was having tough relationship and open up to some girl and she opened up about her struggles. It was about douche guys basically. But after some time i noticed she had this attitude "okay those dudes were jerks for you, but just let it go" and she literally hang out with them in huge group. I thought like okay, whatever

But at some point someone did troll accounts on me and kept adding me to friends, and i had literally block them for spamming me invitations. And this girl commented one of those trolls and since this girl was popular it was like scared it would encourage them to trolling me so i talked to her. Long story short, she screamed, and told me to get psychiatric help. However she seem to easily get over it and later hang out with me and people as usual, just avoided like one on one conversations, and still followed me on social media. And i was confused like why. And i felt bit unfair since when i complained about something there was something wrong with me, but when she complained it was apparently fine, and i just didn't know what to do since i felt she blocked my emotions in way i feel like i cant open up or have boudnary without someone telling me i am mental

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