I am 13 years younger than my husband. I am 36 now, a nurse manager. We both work hard but I earn a lot more than him. We were able to buy 2 houses with majority of my income. I pay majority of bills, property tax, everything my kids need. This is just what i really want to tell my husband.. . But I just decided to keep it to myself as i sound like a broken tape that keeps on playing but no one listens. :

I always wonder what i did wrong to be treated less than what i know i deserve.

I work hard, i loved you and i love the kids ! I've always been a good wife and mom!

I felt like i was trapped in this life with you. Where all i should say is yes to you!

My choices were never valid until you agree with them! And whenever you agree, you make me feel guilty for my decision/s.

You give more importance to others opinions than mine. Do you know how it hurts me?

As the primary breadwinner for the family, i long for someone to be waiting for me, treat me like a queen and not just someone to be ignored at home and be controlled at the same time!

I felt that i have a husband in papers but not in real life.

I felt like i am a prisoner and not a life partner!

There were days that i wanted to talk to you about my day, my challenges, but i don't feel your energy connecting to mine. I just felt so alone that i just choose to keep it to myself!

There were days i tried talking to you but you focus on the smallest details of the story that i get tired trying.

For years ive waited and waited to feel the treatment i deserve. Still i don't feel it.

Your treatment made me lose my faith in men. That id rather choose to be alone if not just for the kids. Life here on earth is just so unfair to me. Money cant buy happiness really.

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