why or why not?

disclaimer: jealousy not of the person.
But jealous over things like someone flirting with them, staring at them etc…

  1. Nope. It’s a sign of insecurity in my opinion, jealously is called the green monster for a reason.

  2. Jealousy is absolutely not a sign of love. Jealousy is really about you, not the person you love. It’s about seeing them as a possession or about you feeling insecure. Jealousy is a fairly normal emotional experience, but it’s not a positive one. If you trust and respect your partner, there’s not good reason to be jealous.

  3. It can be a sign of insecurity or of obsession and neither one of those is a healthy emotion.

  4. To some extent. Like if my GF is in the corner making out with some other guy and I’m not at all jealous, I have a hard time imagining I’m in love with her. But, jealousy without any clear cause is a sign of insecurity or a lack of trust.

  5. Jealousy is a human emotion. However, it can turn controlling leading to a loss of friends, family causing problems on your job etc. Know that it is not anything but that person can address and solve. Sometimes unfortunately by the time you really see what that person male or female is doing you have lost many significant people in your life. Those that really know you will welcome you back however some you may loose forever. It’s a terrible terrible lesson to learn when you recognize the signs, run. If you can. JMO

  6. It’s a natural instinct imo. If you’re just friends and you get jealous when someone flirts with them you’re probably just infatuated and are hoping for more, idk if I’d call it love

  7. I’ve had a great relationship during 10 years with the love of my life.She was the perfect match for me. Absolutely 0% jealous.

    The ONLY time she displayed a little jealousy was when we were on a party and a female coworker of mine appeared. We started to chat friendly and about random work stuff as usual… BUT now my girlfriend was present.

    This coworker was absolutely ASTONISHING, totally out of 99.99% men league, this type of girls that simply won’t even talk to you.

    It was super funny how all the red alarm lights started to blink in my gf mind hahaha, she started to ask me about this coworker, if she was new, what was she doing in the office and this shit. My gf even told me how beautiful she was.

    So jealousy is not a bad thing, it depends on the person.

  8. I personally think jealousy is healthy, it depends on how much and over what though.

    I like flirty jealousy when you’re pretty secure that your partner isn’t going to do anything etc and they make a few jokes or whatever and you do a few back. That’s always been something I’ve found amusing and is entertaining for me!

    In terms of your question though, it probably sounds more of an insecurity thing like ‘wow that person is staring at them, and they’re better than me in some way I’ve got no chance etc. ‘

    It’s definitely more about not loving yourself, not another person.

  9. No it’s a sign of attachment and possessiveness. Sure people who love someone can get jealous but it’s not their love that makes them jealous it’s their attachment. It causes them to have a sense of entitlement over their lover

  10. Sorry, no. “I’m jealous, it means I love you” is the hallmark of an abuser.

  11. Sometimes it’s just sign of your own emotional bond to that person ,or you want to be on the place doing that thing ,,, flirt with her ,,,

  12. Healthy jealousy is normal, and by this it’s really in how you react to certain things. If your guy is hanging out with a girl one on one very frequently, I’d say it’s normal to be jealous and normal to have a mature convo with him about it. But if you go off or get abusive verbally or physically then no not healthy. If you get jealous that he has a friend that’s a girl but they have never done anything inappropriate, then I’d say that’s unhealthy.

  13. Trust is more of a sign of love. A bit of jealousy is normal, but..a BIT.


    “did you see that person check my ass?”

    “Yea, I can’t blame them because it’s awesome. But, it’s for me, right?”

  14. It is a normal component within the idea of love. We all have a normal healthy range of emotion within the sphere of love.

    A tint of jealousy offset by a healthy dose of confidence in yourself and trust in your partner is not an issue. It’s when jealousy equals insecurity and mistrust that it’s problematic.

    Same can be said of indifference.

  15. Absolutely not.

    It is a sign of infantile attitudes. And narcissism. And sociopathic tendencies…

    But not love.

  16. A bit of jealousy in a relationship is healthy, too much jealousy means you have a problem.

  17. I think there is a health level of jealousy, some example from some of my friends:

    Girlfriend spends more time (in spare time) with a male friend than with her actual Boyfriend.
    I believe some jealousy is ok in that instance.

    Girlfriend talks to a guy at a party and her boyfriend sees it confronts him agressivly, they end up in a hefty barfight.

    It’s all how you go about it and deal with this emotion To have the emotion to some extent is something human, how you deal with it will determine if its healthy or not, imo.

  18. The concept of love has many aspects that can be more or less present in a love. Mania is just one those aspects, characterized by impulsiveness in falling in and out of love, neediness, possessiveness, and jealousy. The impulsiveness and possesiveness/jealousy are just two sides of the same coin. If you have a manic love style you will fall out of love as easily as you fall in love, and suspect your partner of being the same as you. Exercising control over your partner is just a means of reducing that insecurity. In modest quantity it is charming, and an excess of it is scary. If it is absent, the other aspects of love may still be there. It is not an essential characteristic of love.

  19. Depends, it could be a sign of being scared of being replaced. Many people with sexual/romantic trauma and attachment issues are scared of someone being better than them and catching more attention than them. Kinda like insecurity.

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