I (mid 30s, M) am lacking in social skills and have been trying to get better at it but I dont feel any improvement. I had an experience today which made me feel really insecure about my social skills.

I listed a room for rent on FB, had some guy want to talk over the phone about it. This guy starts the conversation asking some weird questions about why the room hasn't been rented yet, asking me a bunch of intrusive questions and I kept on answering them, then I asked him (very politely) about why he was looking to move so soon (tomorrow) and the guy went ballistic on me, telling me its none of my business blah blah. Instead of being assertive, I was almost apologizing to him trying to explain why I asked this question (even though I had 100% had the right to). I ended up just hanging up on this guy while he was going on his rant but the whole experience made me think that I can't even stand up for myself over the phone. Perhaps I did the right thing by just hanging up the phone and not wasting my time with this guy, but it reminded me of the fact that I struggle to assert myself. Any advice on what I can do?

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