Americans, What do you think of Elon Musk who just said he will vote for Republicans after that?

  1. Good for him? I guess? I’m not sure why I should have an opinion on how celebrities vote.

    What do you *want* me to think, OP?

  2. Good for him? Anyone should be free to vote for whatever candidate they want.

    It doesn’t affect my vote, so why would I care?

  3. He’s just been hurting his brand lately. I think his fame has gone to his head

  4. He doesn’t like that Democrats want to tax him? It’s as simple as that.

  5. My opinion on Elon hasn’t changed at all based on how he says he’ll vote. I’m not remotely surprised to hear a billionaire say he’s voting Republican, either. It doesn’t sound like news to me.

  6. I don’t give a shit who he votes for.

    I think he would be wise to learn when to shut the fuck up. But I’m not a billionaire so what do I know?

  7. Elon Musk is voting for who he thinks will best serve his interests. In that respect he is no different than anyone else who casts a vote. So I don’t really give a shit what he has to say about anything.

  8. You mean the thing he said after he was asked to comment on a story of paying a quarter-mil to his employee that he sexually harassed? That tracks, given the Republican’s deep well of ~~ready forgiveness~~ tolerance for such behavior.

  9. He started blaming the Democrats when he got asked by journalists about the sexual harassment claims. That’s a big stretch.

    Musk is unraveling.

  10. A billionaire voting Republican? What a shocking and unprecedented occurrence!


    He can vote for whoever he wants; this is absolutely the least concerning thing he’s done in the last few years.

  11. It’s incredible how he has managed to spin “I’m about to be accused of sexual harassment” into “the liberal media is trying to destroy me because I’m republican now”. Imagine being that credulous, couldn’t be me.

  12. I admire his accomplishments, but think he’s a jerk. Glad he’s changing the space industry. Wish he’d stop his trolling.

  13. I always assume people with some position of power play both sides so they get favorable treatment no matter who gets elected

  14. Did he not work….with the Trump Administration for a hot second? has he not always thrown fits about unions/labor law? is he not know for getting pissy about “woke culture”?

    How in the world is this shocking news to anyone. Nothing about the man screams Democrat.

    But my opinion has not changed. I did not like or respect him before and I do not like or respect him now. On my list of “rich people I don’t like because they can’t keep the mouths shut” he is only bellow the DeVos family

  15. I think it’s a great thing to have a celebrity/ billionaire who’s not a part of the hive mind.

  16. I mean he probably was just stating what he’s been doing anyways.

    He’s part of the new age of robber barons, I wouldn’t expect him to do anything less than stick his fingers into the political pie

  17. I hope the twitter deal goes thru so he restores suspended accounts and fixes the appeal system. Idc anything about the free speech or political shit, I just want my main account back.

  18. Don’t care who he votes for. He’s always been a dumbass with too much money.

  19. The guy is a con man and a fraud, a billionaire voting to preserve his own interests shouldn’t surprise anyone.

  20. He’s always supported conservatives and anti-working class policies. He announced this now to distract from the Business Insider piece revealing he sexually harassed a SpaceX employee and paid her $250k in hush money.

    He’s a giant piece of human trash, just as he’s always been.

  21. Who cares? What I find astounding is how republicans worship billionaires. I don’t get it. I especially don’t get how poor and middle class people vote republican… voting against unions, social security, etc.

  22. He can vote for who he wants. I don’t care who celebrities vote for

  23. So much misinformation here and preconceived notions that are incorrect. Cracks me up.

  24. A billionaire CEO who sexually harasses his employees? Sounds like a Republican to me.

  25. I think he’s trying his hardest to deflect away from the sexual harassment claim against him that came public a couple hours before he announced he was “switching” to the GOP.

  26. Elon Musk is what I assume happened when some coked-up Hollywood exec pitched the idea “what if we combined *Big* and *Blank Check*, but instead of it happening to the class nerd, it happened to the kid the teachers refer to as ‘that little shit’ instead?”

  27. Sounds like he wanted a distraction from the sexual harassment story that broke shortly after his announcement.

  28. The guy is constantly breaking the law and the federal government is the only entity with the power to police him. Republicans hate the federal government (and want to weaken it) since the Civil Rights era, so that’s really what he’s voting for.

  29. I find the left’s sudden vilification of him bizarre but then again I suppose the left hates everyone who isn’t in lockstep agreement with them on all things.

  30. I’m honestly just sick of hearing from and of this man. He’s as big an attention seeker as Trump at this point and it’s just exhausting.

  31. I’m quite tired of hearing about Elon Musk. Buy Twitter, or don’t. Vote for whoever you want as long as you stop blathering on about it.

    I think he’s an obnoxious try-hard and snake oil salesman with a weirdo cult surrounding him. The less I hear about him the better.

  32. I think the whole thing is hilarious lol

    Made doubly so because until pretty recently Musk was reddits golden child who could do no wrong and Tesla’s were the pinnacle of car engineering.

    Then he publicly went against what reddit believes and now he is a pariah and Tesla’s are complete pieces of shit.

  33. Billionaire votes for party that will vote in his economic interest to the detriment of normal citizens, more at 11.

  34. He was always one of them. He’s just happy to show his true color now that there’s enough pushback to make sure he pays and treats his employees well while paying a fair share of taxes.

  35. Good. Democrats are embracing the far-left, socialism, and communism, all of which I am one of the strongest opponents of. I will vote for conservative (not Trumpists, because they aren’t conservative) candidates against commie-lite Democrats.

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