So I am a 21f and My boyfriend and I have been dating since 4 years. And he has always been really insecure and uptight about me not having any guy friends. And I won’t say he himself has girl friends either. I ask him permission before going anywhere if there might be guys he doesn’t know. And he would agree but then fight me the next day over the littlest things there. He has an issue because I made a social media account and added guys, after he said he doesn’t mind whoever I add and I asked him if he was sure. He also had a problem with me hanging out with my friend and her boyfriend. I have asked him what if I have male colleagues and he says he will be fine as long as it’s just work relation. And I just feel too burdened but I love him. And I will give him credit too, apart from this and his anger issues he is really perfect and caring and loving and assuring, and I’m just scared what if I don’t find someone like him ever again. He wants a breakup because I made him feel insecure and jealous… and I begged him. I don’t know what to do. Please help, any opinion is welcomed. Im wondering if the perspective is different for men.

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