What quality do you love the most about your best friend?

  1. Their honestly. It may hurt my feelings, but I appreciate the realness about them all. She’s been that way since we met which made me not like her at first and now it’s the most endearing part of her

  2. All of her. She’s such a good listener. And she’s also real. When I’m off track she tells me straight up I need to rein it in. We’ve known each other since childhood and we just have a super strong amazing connection. I love that she just LOVES. She had such a rough upbringing and instead of taking that childhood and becoming a victim, she flipped all the switches and is breaking generational curses of abuse and poverty and just KICKING ASS.

    I dunno. She inspires me and is just such a sweet amazing caring honest person.

    I love all of her.

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