I’ve been with my boyfriend for about 6 months now, and I noticed he hasn’t been finishing as much or sometimes not at all.

We see each other every weekend, and in the beginning, we’d go multiple rounds and he’d finish every time. I still see him just as much but we have less sex than we did when we first started sleeping with each other and sometimes he doesn’t finish when we do. I brought it up maybe one or two times, which seemed to have made it worse so then I ignored it and tried to be in good spirits and not be insecure each time it happened so as to take the pressure off of him, yet it’s still happening.

He says it’s because he’s masturbating more during the week but idk going from doing multiple rounds (like 4-6 times) in a weekend to maybe 1-2 times and not even finishing at all some weekends seems kinda odd to me? I’ve tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but I’m not sure what to think here. He’s seen the way it’s affected me before, so I’m not sure why he wouldn’t just stop masturbating as much during the week to prevent me from feeling the way I do about it? Am I just not being understanding enough? I feel like I would be more understanding if he was always like this but the change and knowing what he’s been capable of before is what confuses me.

TL;DR – my boyfriend isn’t finishing as much as he did when we first started sleeping with each other and says it’s because he’s masturbating more during the week.

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