Mostly from the anglosphere factor, Id say I commonly American sporting merchandises here in Australia.

Not just NBA and NFL team merchandises (the former is fairly popular in Australia) but also MLB and NHL ones, which the sport itself rarely interests Australians.

  1. Not overly, perhaps baseball caps but really you’re more likely to see someone wearing a football (soccer) or rugby top.

  2. Not really common here.. you don’t see a lot of people walking around wearing that stuff in the street.

    Maybe some Yankees baseball caps, the odd basketball shirt,but it’s rare in Palermo.

  3. So I’m sitting in a pub right now wearing a Milwaukee Brewers jersey. I’ve seen a Bengals, Yankees, Dodgers, Red Sox, Patriots, Leafs, Cardinals (AZ), Packers and Titans stuff around town in the last few days (I’m definitely missing more)

    Edit: forgot to mention Penny’s (a popular clothing store in Ireland) sells Bulls, Lakers, Raiders, Patriots and some other teams gear too.

  4. As someone who isn’t familiar with the sports themselves, the one team I would see, whose brand is probably larger than all of baseball here in the UK is the NY Yankees.

    You get people who have bought American sports merchandise just for the letter. So someone called Brian buys a Boston Red Sox hat as it has a B on it. They neither like the team nor the sport, but like the hat.

  5. A Yankees baseball cap is probably the most likely, possibly some NBA shirt, especially of a famous French player – Tony Parker probably still the most common, though I suspect that’s waning since he’s… retired? Right? I think? You’d basically never see anything related to the NFL or the NHL I think.

  6. In the 90’s many young people wore it, mostly NBA and some NFL stuff, nowadawys I don’t even remember the last time I saw somebody wearing it. It is strange because there have never been a time with more spanish NBA players. I think young people are not that interested in sports.

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