My husband and I have been married for many years. We're always pretty happy and we enjoy spending time with each other. Sometimes my husband gets angry, but it's only because he has a stressful job and he's often away from home travelling. I always do everything I can to make sure that he's happy and not too stressed out from work. However, people think that I overcompensate and they say things like, "you always do everything for him, but he doesn't give you half as much in return". For instance, my husband and son were brainstorming business ideas together, I had thought of some good ideas myself and was ready to share just in case. However, every time I tried to speak, my husband would get angry and tell me to "stop interrupting". My son then told my husband that he he should stop yelling at me. I honestly didn't think my husband was yelling, he can be a little outspoken and he has a tendency to be territorial over things that involve work and business. Are people right, or is my husband in the wrong?

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