Whose turn is it to ask out? Lol me or him?

Hi guys! I added a random guy on Facebook whose profile I liked (lol don’t judge) but anyway can you read through our chat below and tell me is it up to me to ask him to hang out now? The convo keeps fading out..the sentences with – at the start are me

hi, have we met?

-Nah random add, I like your profile

No problem, are you interested in getting a drink sometime?

-Haha really are you in ___city too?

Sure am 🙂

-Oh yeah I'm in _____ but moving to the city soon

Oh nice why the change

-Just to be closer with family

Ah ok understandable

-Do you go to the city much?

Oh yeah, i'm actually doing a job there next week! Do you?

-Yeah pretty much all the time

Haha single life hey

-Haha I mostly hang with my mum and sister there

Thats nice, you're close to your family then?

-Yeah i am! are you?

Are you in the city tonight?

-No not tonight, i'm at family's house! Probably will be there Wed or Thurs

On a week night?? Haha what are you doing there?

-Haha i'm not going to be there but if you wanted to meet up i can go there

Ohh right haha, what are you doing in ____ tonight?

-Just visiting my mum!

Ahh nice

-Yeah it's kinda country so it's nice to visit

Haha yeah it is nice, i know where it is

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