I know I sound like a terrible person but please listen:

So my boyfriends basically bought me a downgrade for my birthday, he doesnt know.


iPad 9th gen, 64gb, wifi, 3gb ram.

Samsung tab s6, 128gb, wifi + 4g, 6gb ram.

I do and sometimes sell digital art and he got it So I can get the drawing app I wanted on it And it feels great to use but I cant really draw or print bigger and I assume I’d have to do smaller prints on the ipad. I honestly think it looks ugly and is too fat aswell compared to my samsung.

I dont know what to do, I dont want to seem ungrateful but I kinda want to return it coz I just think it’s a bit terrible. He obviously doesnt know anything about what specifications I needed or anything and its honestly really sucky.

But also I’d have been ecstatic to get it if I didnt have my samsung. I’ve already bought procreate on this tablet so i feel bad.

I just feel like I’ve been a waist of money and I want to cry but idk what to do about it. He tried really hard to organise getting it for me.

It just feels so awful, I want to be excited but it just feels like a waist tbh and I’d rather return it and get the money to put towards a good one, maybe sell my samsung to go towards it.

What do I do?

  1. Take it back? Say you are grateful and will use the money to get one you needed? It sucks but don’t just use it out of pity, just tell him or joke about it or whatever easy fix if you can’t talk that out damn

  2. You tell him – honey, thank you so much for the gift, it was extremely thoughtful, but for months I have been looking at another iPad because I need a bigger screen to draw and more storage and RAM and the screen is too tiny. I’m so happy you thought of me, but can we please return this one? Then I can use some of the money you spent on it to buy the model that I really need to make art on, because the size of the screen is vital for me. I hope you understand.

  3. Why would you need to do smaller prints? Just choose a high resolution.

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