(25) f

I joined a dance studio about a year ago. I usually go about once a week but I took a few months off. Now, I have been going about twice a week.

The studio has changed since I’ve came back.There’s more people now which was great a first, but I noticed how the instructors started acting different. Before they only had like one or two people in a class so it was never something I noticed.

I always say hello and noticed that whenever The other girls walk in now they (instructors) get really excited and when I walk in it’s very quiet and they just tell me what spot I’ll be dancing at with no greeting.

Am I tripping? Even the regular girls get excited to see each other and when I walk in it’s awkward it’s like I’m a ghost.

There could be four girls in a row and everyone greets and says hello and when I walk in it’s VERY quiet. This has happened very frequently now and if someone walks in after me they get excited again. It’s honestly so hurtful, in an already uncomfortable environment, we’re you are trying to build confidence. I would leave the studio buts it’s the closest and cheapest one to me.

The instructors are starting to notice I’m acting weird. I don’t want to tell the reason.

  1. Maybe they are hanging out outside the studio or have done some activity where they have bonded more while you were on a break

  2. This used to happen to me all the time at my old job, and I definitely feel for you when you said it felt hurtful. I know for sure they were purposely ignoring me though. Maybe they just don’t know you that well? You can try making eye contact and smiling while saying hello, if you haven’t tried already. Maybe try to strike up conversation and really get to know your dance mates? Even small conversations here and there can really help along a budding friendship.

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