My ex husband and I had been together for nearly 9yrs (married for nearly 2). After we married we had it good until last year when his behaviour rapidly changed to being a narcissistic, coercive controlling asshat and basically treating me like I'm his mother, controlling my finances, telling me which friends/family I can or can't see, using my past traumas as excuses for my outbursts and calling me crazy or asking if I had taken my meds that day or just using my poor mental health against me, flip flopping between nice and nasty, emotion blackmail, manipulation etc etc. He also started abusing my Hearing Dog (service dog for Deaf people) by shouting at him and forcing him to stay on his bed at all times, detrimenting his mental health and the dog just stopped alerting me all together. The dog couldn't simply exist without my ex getting all pissy.

I sought out help from a DA charity who work with the deaf community (I am profoundly deaf) and managed to get the courage to eventually leave for good in March this year, and currently live with my mum 45 mins drive away.

I've been keeping in touch with the ex but on very limited contact, incase I need to get stuff out the house which he is still living in. Context; it's a shared ownership which we both are listed on the deed for. I keep telling him it's not going to work out if he still thinks I'm over reacting, am crazy and that he believes he is not in the wrong. I get messages saying one minute he loves me, he's sorry and really wants to change, and then in the next message it's " your past traumas are not letting you be who you are/are the reason your telling me this crap/your not the real you anymore".

I've recently started seeing someone else, since I do not cope with the single life and I could be surrounded by my nearest and dearest yet still feel incredibly alone. I've mentioned it to the ex but he just thinks I'm fibbing and or it's a FWB sort of thing and thinks that I'll come back eventually. I've told him he needs to get a grip and decide whether to buy me out my half of the deed or sell up the house entirely and give me half of the equity in it but this is ignored. I can't afford legal advice as I literately am living paycheck to paycheck. He wants me to still pay the house bills (which I am not!) And I just feel stuck.

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