I (30f) have been with my husband (30m) for roughly 15 years. We recently moved houses and have space (if we wanted) for separate beds in the same room. I love my husband dearly and he is a great husband but he moves so much in his sleep and I'm a really light sleeper. He has completely accidentally clubbed me in the boob or in the stomach a few times or rolled right on top of me. On top of that, I think we need different mattress firmnesses. We have a king sized bed right now with body pillows between us so the nighttime rolling isn't as big of an issue but I'm wondering if having separate beds would be worth it. Has anyone had separate beds and liked them? How was it sleeping away from your spouse? Any of you against having separate beds and why?

TDLR: recently moved, could have separate beds so wife isn't woken up by husband moving so much in his sleep. Good or bad?

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