After NY and LA, what’s the most important city in America, and why?

  1. D.C – because of the government


    Chicago – because it’s also a major financial hub.

  2. It’s Chicago

    -Chicago has the third biggest economy after LA and NYC

    -It’s is a major cultural exporter like LA and NYC

    -It’s the LA/NYC of the non-costal parts of America

    -It has the third most populous metro area after the other two cities

  3. I guess it depends how you define “important”. DC for politics and not one city but SF Bay Area/Silicon valley region for tech industry and its impact on the world.

  4. It really depends. Chicago is big. Silicon Valley is tech. Boston is education and research. DC is government.

  5. It’s either DC or Chicago depending on your metrics for determining “importance.”

    Because you could easily say that DC is more important than NY or LA. It really depends on how you’re measuring.

  6. First thing that came to mind was Chicago but then when others posted Washington DC that seems the most obvious answer.

  7. Wilmington Delaware, cause that’s where, like, ALL corporations are formed!

  8. Chicago. NY, LA, and Chicago rank 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in GDP, respectively. A combination of economic power, strategic location, and cultural significance justifies Chicago as the third most important city after New York and Los Angeles.

  9. DC is Americas administrative hub,

    Though honestly I wouldn’t look at American cities at level of importance but rather clusters of cities

    For example the most important region economically is the greater NYC area. This is a region from Boston Massachusetts to Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Its main cities are New York, Boston, and Philly

  10. Chicago, Atlanta, and SF are all huge transportation and financial centers.

  11. Nice try Kim Jong Un. I’m not telling you where to aim your third nuke.

  12. It’s Washington DC. There’s more than just government there, but government is kinda sorta really maybe important.

  13. Atlanta or Miami probably, as they are major transport hubs and the airports there are usually the next on the list after NY and LA as far as International connections go.

    The unique local culture and cultural landmarks are there as well, especially Atlanta with regards to important parts of American history.

  14. As others have said, it’s either Washington DC, or Chicago.

    Washington because of it’s the seat of government, or Chicago because it’s a hub of finance and transportation and a massive economic powerhouse that is only behind NY and LA in population.

  15. DC, Chicago and Houston could all probably claim that title. Maybe San Francisco too because of the tech sector

  16. Probably Greenbow, Alabama for it’s many contributions to the shrimping industry.

  17. Everyone so far has had some good options.

    The most important city in America however I submit for consideration.

    Lewiston Idaho.

    Home of the Port of Lewiston. 3rd largest city in Idaho. It also is the reason why the USA is the bread basket of the world handling almost 60% of all wheat exports. Providing cheap grains around the world. Go Lewiston!

  18. DC has an argument because its the seat of political power

    I’m going to break from the Chicago responses to say Houston has an argument. The energy hub of the world in a world where energy is king

  19. Most important cities in the U.S are NY, LA, Chicago and DC. I feel like in a decade or so we will have to add Miami to the list as well

  20. Maybe not just now, but Houston, Texas may be the third city in the next 20 years or so. It will soon pass Chicago in population. It is the most important city for energy, including renewables. It has one of the largest seaports in the country. It is close to Mexico, where manufacturing is rapidly increasing. Texas has no state income tax and is a business friendly state.

  21. Silicon Valley. Why? Tech influences almost every part of our life and its influence continues to grow with artificial intelligence as the next big thing.

  22. Houston or Chicago and after those two apparently Detroit because it is number 5

  23. Charlotte is easily forgotten but banking headquarters in the US for 3 major banks, plus home of a bunch of Fortune 500s

  24. “America has only three cities: New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans. Everywhere else is Cleveland.” -Tennessee Williams

  25. I don’t think you can define importance in the US. It’s not like those third world countries like France that have a capital city that dominates the whole country and everything else is an afterthought.

  26. Houston highly underrated in this comment section. Highest tonnage of all US ports. 40% of all publicly traded energy firms. 10% of the entire countries daily refinement of crude oil is done in the Houston Metro Area alone, with another 8+% refined along the gulf coast within 100 miles of Houston. Not to mention NASA Mission Control and Global leader in Healthcare with the largest life sciences destination in the world (160,000 people visit the Texas Medical Center each day.)

  27. I think the DFW area will out beat Chicago in terms of 3rd most important city in the not so distant future 

  28. I think if we’re talking importance fundamentally, then Philadelphia is before L.A. by far.

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