My boyfriend hacks into my accounts and devices to snoop on me and i need advice on how to react here.

I (22F) have been walking on eggshells thanks to my beloved boyfriend (22M). I swear I cant keep any devices within reach of him because all he does is snoop. Granted ive made some mistakes in our relationship that could make him less trustworthy in me, but I never cheated, nor do I have any of the apps he was so infatuated in getting into. Now it has escalated to a point that I had to take my charger to work today because he was trying to unlock my old iphone with linux operating systems. I have had enough with this shit. Ive even told him that if its a trust thing and he cant trust me anymore that he needs to break up with me, yanno since a relationship is built on trust. The fact that he is willing to commit a felony to get any and all information that doesn't pertain him regarding me, is a huge fuckin problem. I don't know what to do because I really love him, but this is getting to be way too much for me to fucking handle. Im sick and tired of always feeling like no matter how i show i love him, no matter how many times i tell him how stressed this makes me, that it will never be enough. Think about this: I rented a car, and DROVE (not flew, DROVE) 300 miles to help him pack his stuff, and move down to me. FIVE. HOURS. And yet, I still have to prove my worthiness, when im the one doing fucking everything. I work, I cook, he cleans which is fine, I pay the bills, I moved him down here, I stopped doing drugs, I stopped drinking, I have attempted to stop vaping for him. I deleted almost all social media aside from this and insta. and that still isnt fucking enough??? He STILL feels the need to go through my old phone? idk. i just need some advice. What should I do?

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