I want to preface this by saying I find him extremely attractive, regardless of his weight. He has been overweight (about 300lbs I think) since I met him and we’ve been dating for about 7 months. He is the most genuine and caring man I have ever met and I do my best to remind him that as often as possible.

He’s always expressed his desire to lose weight. When we first started dating, we went to the gym together pretty often, but I’m not an avid gym goer, so I stopped going. I prefer to walk/run outside for my excersize and he will sometimes join me on my walks. He kept going to the gym without me and was a regular, but he hasn’t gone for the last few months.

I know going to the gym is something he enjoys doing and I still think he wants to work towards his goal of losing weight, but I don’t know how to ask him why he stopped going. I have also noticed that he has fallen back on his old eating habits, lots of fast food and junk food. I want to make sure he is okay because he can be pretty hard on himself sometimes. I don’t want to make him more insecure by bringing up the topic.

We have talked about his weight before, mostly when he is talking down to himself, and then I try to reassure him that I still find him attractive and that his weight does not take away from the amazing person that he is.

He still seems happy and our relationship is in an amazing place right now, although his work does take a lot out of him so I can understand skipping the gym after a busy day, but he doesn’t seem to have any desire to go anymore. Maybe I take up too much of his time, but I don’t want to be the reason he falls back into unhealthy habits. And I am so scared that he is going to have health problems in the future. I care about him so much and i want him to be happy and feel proud of himself. Any advice on how to talk about these things with him in a way that shows I am doing it out of love?

TLDR: my boyfriend has fallen back into unhealthy eating habits and stopped going to the gym and I want to make sure he is okay/ support him in his goal to lose weight. How do I do this while making sure he knows it is out of love and concern for him?

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