I am feeling very conflicted at the moment in my current relationship and wish to seek advice outside my family and friendship bubble as they are more so supportive of me and any decisions I make, thus less of a potentially more instructional/direct approach with advice.

We had been dating for 3 years and unfortunately due to her "losing feelings" (I never lost the way I felt about her, and conveyed this to her) we broke up for a period of 10 months. We had a really special connection, there was never any yelling or toxic behaviour by any means, it was almost like the spark just fizzled out and as a result we drifted apart. I wanted to make it work by any means, travel, new experiences together, anything to remind us of the truly amazing bond we had. However, she felt it was a little bit too tricky and she was losing touch with other aspects of life, such as work and other friends. She wanted to break up and move on (she had no intention of getting back together either)… which sucked but thats life right? I had no choice but to accept and respect her decision!

10 months down the track after no contact whatsoever she reached out wanting to "catch up" and see how I was going. I turned this down a couple times as I simply wasn't ready for it. Eventually I agreed to catch up, and at the time I went in with zero expectations (I did not intend to try to get her back or anything, simply touching base). The catch up went well, and as usual we got along like a house on fire.

Following that catch up, she called me a few days later and pretty much said she has regrets about leaving, and she had doubts about her decision to leave when we broke up, and she basically wants back in and she's in love with me (again). She said she has had time to reflect on what we had, and how it wasn't a Hollywood movie love story, yet that her standards were "not that realistic" and that I was one of the best human beings she knows and wants me in her life. At first I was apprehensive to engage, as I was truly doing so well being single and she had told me that in 4 months she was travelling overseas for 6 months for a working holiday (she had booked this when we were apart).

The part I am stuck on:
Before her departure, she would get upset with me for, "not remembering the first time we saw each other driving after we had broken up" (we live nearby)

She would get upset when I didn't feel like jumping back into a big friendship group setting (e.g. a big work dinner with her friends only a few weeks after we were back together)

And more recently, the other week we were on facetime for a brief moment before she had to go to work, (timezones etc) I was super busy at the time with work friends in the office, but still wanted to get a few minutes of chat in with her so I answered, yet at the end of the call neither of us said "love you" or "I love you" and hastly both of us said goodbye as we were occupied. She then texted after, expressing her frustration and her feeling weird that I didn't say "I love you"…

I try to empathise with her how it must feel being away from each other (and family and friends in a foreign city alone) doing long-distance, I try my best to answer her whenever she calls and answer her texts promptly. I try to always listen to her, and whatever she has to say or when she needs to vent. To me these occurrences seem really minute and that they get blown up causing strain for days or even weeks on the relationship.

I find myself almost grovelling to her, when she has doubts about how I feel towards her to rectify how she's feeling… I don't want to dismiss her feelings or invalidate the way she feels, but I sometimes get frustrated with the kind of issues that keep getting brought up.

Please tell me if I'm in the wrong – Does she have grounds to question my love for her (even though she was the one that lost feelings initially) ?

Is there something I can try to ease her doubts over my love for her?

TL;DR: Girlfriend doubts my love for her, does not seem to receive the way I express it at times, as well as getting upset over minute things. Am I doing something wrong?

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