We have been dating for 6 months now. We would pretty much see each other most days and I would spend weekends and multiple days of the week at her place. Now, the semester has ended and I'm back at home for most of the week and can only see her on the weekends because of my commute to work.

We now go about 4 days a week without seeing each other (granted this is the first week). The past 2 days, worse today, I am getting a lot of anxiety that she is losing interest in me. Also I wake up very early before work, so I must go to bed early. We facetime goodnight, and she stays awake for a few more hours. A part of me is trying to convince myself that she could be texting other guys or potentially meeting up with other guys.

I am seeing her tomorrow and throughout the weekend which will be nice, I hope she is as excited as I am to see her. Ultimately, I can't take my anxiety and ask her for constant reassurance, so I need to do something myself. What are some actions I can take and how do I develop a coping mechanism for this?

TL;DR: School has ended and with work I don't see my girlfriend nearly enough and it causes me much anxiety. Need to develop coping mechanisms.

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