My (30F) husband (36 M) used AI to write his vows and I'm really upset. How do I approach him about this?

My (30F) husband (36M) and I just got married a few months ago, but we've been together for 8 years. We opted to have a small wedding, and it was a very beautiful ceremony with just our close family and friends. When my husband read his vows, I remember thinking that it sounded very formal and not at all like how he usually speaks, but I chalked that up to him taking the time to think out his vows and make them sound the best he could. They were really nice and made me cry, and everyone else seemed to think so to.

Fast forward to today, I went on our shared ChatGPT account (we were using it for work) to cancel our membership since we didn't need it anymore. I happened to see something titled "Vows" and clicked on it. Lo and behold, there it was… his vows 100% verbatim. I saw the prompt he provided and it had all of the major themes that were in the vows, but he literally just copied/pasted the generated text and read it like it was his own words.

I remember telling him after the ceremony how sweet his vows were, and he said that he meant every word he said. Now I just feel stupid honestly. Anyone who knows me well knows that I value these kinds of things above all else. My friends and I joke that they never really need to get me an actual gift, because a card means so much more to me. I spent quite a bit of time writing my vows to him, and it really stings that he just threw a prompt into ChatGPT and tried to pass it off as his own. To me, these words are some of the most important that we will ever say to each other. I feel so sad knowing that they weren't even his own.

Would something like this bother you? How do I approach him about this? On the one hand I am really upset about it, but on the other, I don't want to embarrass him or start a fight over it. I'm just really hurt and could use any advice about how to approach this.

TLDR: My husband used AI to write his vows and I'm really upset. How do I approach him about this?

UPDATE: Thank you all for your perspectives and advice on this. It really helped me collect my thoughts and see his side before even talking to him. I let him know that I found the vows and we talked about it. He was very understanding that it upset me because he copied it verbatim, and he explained that he just wanted them to be perfect. Along the lines of what a lot of you said. I definitely understand that and I feel way better about it now. While I'm still not a fan of AI vows, I think life is too short to have resentment about these kinds of things. 🙂

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