Hi , I 23M posted before about my current relationship , mentioning she’s the perfect girl . Well raised and educated. Mentioned as well that i work more hours than her yet i manage to make time for us than she does . Her life is keeping her busy and i brought up the topic that she has to make time for me same as i do since that helps with the long distance ( video calls etc..) , time goes by and i find myself alone and she doesn’t reply to my calls cuz as mentioned she’s busy however i work more hours a week than her so i brought up the topic again adding to the point that i feel she has no time for me and that she doesn’t share with me anything and she doesn’t see the same and reckons I’m over reacting .. time goes by again and i feel numbness and no feelings towards her … now i am afraid to be the manipulative person so i kinda stopped talking and to my surprise she didn’t notice my absence , she then brought the topic that i am the one who’s distant and she doesn’t think i have the right to. Now I have no feelings for her like literally nothing inside me. Afraid i am manipulating her at some point on the other hand I don’t wanna break up since i made promises … sorry if my words aren’t meant to be arranged i am just at a state that my mind cannot think . What do i do

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