
I used to date this one guy 5 yeara ago. Out breakup was extremely turbulent and stormy, worst one of my life.

During the time we were dating I always felt like I couldn't always trust him. I also accidently saw him texting hearts and kisses to another girl, confronted him, we had a fight and eventually I let it go (young, naive).

My and him are not connected on any social media platforms, everything of mine is private, everything of his is public (I checked his profile, he has a gf).

Yesterday, very randomly I receive his text "Hey how's life?" And a follow request. Here is how the conversation went:

I asked him what the follow means, he said:

"Haha well nothing special really ..
You're a very nice person and Im very able to leave the last behind
And a good friend to have
I reckon

To what i wrote:

"Yeah, i don't think that's a good idea 😂
I don't know what's going on between you and your girlfriend but you should probably deal with that instead of texting me"

And his response:
"Lol why would there be something going on with me and my girlfriend? We're doing great!
I find it unfortunate that you can't just be friends with someone without immediately looking for something more.
Says more about your way of thinking than mine i think. But fine, I was just trying to be kind, leave thing behind but apparently thats not for you"

So, time for your advice – am I right to think that this is not just for being "friends"? For me all of this sounds very slimy. But I want to hear your male perspective!!

Thanks ❤️

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