I am confused about the European Parliament elections. I can't say the difference between the EU parliament, the council of the European Union and European Comission.

It has taken me time and effort to understand the system of how laws are set in my country. But when it comes to the European Union, it feels likes I should have a degree on political science, I should be fluent in main European languages and a working experience from European Union in order to vote for the elections.

What should I consider when voting for in the elections? What is the relationship between my country's parliament and the European parliament? Should I just vote for a person who advocates for my country's agenda?

When I talk to my friends, it feels like no one know what the European Parliament is all about. I feel like there are no journalists even to follow EU bureaucrats and politicians. How is the supranational organization that set laws good when people have no knowledge about it and it's not under the supervision by the citizens and journalists?

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