I hate when someone’s jump roping in an area where a lot of people are gonna need to pass through, like use common sense and find a corner to do it, i know this girl who does it at the entrance of the boxing area at my crunch gym

  1. When the local highschool football team takes over all three squat racks w multiple people at each one

  2. People who sing or take calls while on a treadmill, elliptical, etc. there’s an older guy at my gym who will do both every day. Annoys the hell out of me.

  3. Leaving the weights lying around. I might be too conscious of it but it really bugs me, and if it was because “whoops, I forgot” then my previous faint annoyance reaches new levels.

  4. Haha all these answers make me so glad I work out at home, for how much I would like the extra equipment a gym offers, I would hate having people around or using a machine that I need. I go into a workout with a specific order written out ahead of time so having to adjust around people would drive me up the wall.

  5. People curling in the squat rack. Yes I saw that THIS MONTH. C’mon people.

    Also, picking up dumbbells and proceeding to use them RIGHT AT THE WEIGHT RACK. Like bro, people need to get to the other weights

  6. if I want to use a machine and this guy is on twitter debating for more than 5 minutes between each set.

  7. The guys who complain that me and the fellas are all washing each other off in the showers. I’m like bruh my muscles are too big to be reaching back there.

  8. When I wanna do pullups but there’s a bunch of fuckers doing cable exercises right there

  9. People on the phone or just wasting time on a piece of equipment. If you’re taking a long rest to prep for a 4 plate squat, then cool you do you. But if you’re still warming up or not even started but you’re having a video call with your folks while sitting inside the squat rack then….. Not to mention all the girls taking booty pics and trying to find all the right instahoe angles while doing it in the squat to try to make it seem like they’re hardcore lifters, urgh.

  10. I have lots. My standouts are:

    – recording/taking pics of other people in the gym who are minding their own business. It happens with surprising regularity.

    – gathering up a ton of equipment and setting up your own little gym and getting pissy when ppl are annoyed

    – not wiping off equipment when you’re done

    – not reracking weights

    – not putting a towel down on benches or not wiping sweat off when you get up. No one wants to sit where your swamp ass has been

  11. put your plates back on the fucking rack. I had to dead lift 90 fucking pounds every goddamn fucking night when I worked at a gym it was fucking ridiculous. dude I had two jobs. Sometimes You have to mentally prepare the fucking lift a lot of weight man. You can’t just casually go in and do it for half an hour as you pick up shit off the floor. they cut your hours if you don’t have the gym cleaned up and everyone doesn’t leave at the exact fucking time that it closes. They cut your fucking hours.

    these fucking mog looking dudes would just leave that shit all over the floor and fine it’s 45 fucking pounds I could grab two and be cool whatever but what the fuck is this 2.5 pound bullshit you leave on the floor? did Stuart Little come by to fucking dead lift?!?

    and why is there a confetti of white paper towels crumpled up all over the floor like that we just had an HRT wedding?!?

  12. When people slam weights. Drives me bonkers. One of the reasons I like planet fitness

  13. People who want to tie up multiple pieces of equipment when it’s busy. Bitch, you don’t need a bench/squat/curl/pullup circuit. Pick one and do it, then move on to the next

  14. An addition to what’s already been said: Dudes that curl or do any other dumbbell lift right in front of the dumbbell rack.

    There’s a guy that goes the same time in the mornings as me and goddamn it’s annoying. He’ll pick up dumbbells and stand directly where he picked them up and start going to town. I do a lot of dumbbell work and I have to snake around him to get my weights and he’s the one that has the balls to look annoyed.

  15. People not putting their weights away when they’re done. I never know when people are finished using anything and there are people who can’t lift some of those plates but would still like to squat.

  16. My gym has basketball courts with pickup basketball: don’t be an asshole on the court. We all fucking hate when you refuse to pass the ball because you have to stroke your ego

  17. I don’t mind grunting to get that last rep up, but it’s pretty obvious and annoying when you’re grunting every rep to get attention.

  18. The gross little fucker that trash the locker room. No paper towels and not towels to dry off with after a shower and ffs don’t just throw your used wet towels on the floor like you do at home, pick that shit up and throw it away.

    And while we’re at it, quit flexing and taking pictures of yourself.

  19. People sitting on a machine just on their phone. Drives me INSANE!

  20. If people are taking pictures of others in gym without their permission is it illegal?

  21. I don’t enjoy it when people don’t have respect for other people. Don’t wipe the machine, crowding you when you’re doing sets, not racking their weights, taking up multiple machines at once. Like fuck we all pay memberships dawg, get some level of etiquette would you?

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