Engaged. Wedding 5 months away. Getting very nervous about whether it is the right decision. Just hear so many horror stories about divorce. See a lot of comments re:

  • 'I should have trusted my gut and broken it off"
  • "I knew it wasn't right"
  • "I wish I would've trusted my instinct and called the wedding off"

The tough part is that sometimes I feel strongly that it is the right decision, only to have that feeling morph a few hours later, and then change again the next day. There are times when I feel certain I should move forward with the marriage, and there are times I feel it is not right and feels "off."

It's waves. I've done everything I can to work through these feelings. Have received several sessions of counseling on it, which were helpful to an extent, but the feeling of unresolved has persisted.

Did anyone have that uncertainty, only to move forward with marriage and realize it was actually the RIGHT decision? See a lot of posts from users that they wish they would have listened to that internal feeling and broken things off. But did anyone have the opposite experience? Where they were glad they did not let those stretches of feeling like it was not right prevent them from getting married?

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